ELL has approximately 20 lawyers with our entire practice devoted to representing consumers and consumer organizations such as HOAs against utilities, insurance companies, and other large tortfeasors. We have been in business for more than 40 years and have an excellent reputation that is well known to our opponents. Over the last 20 years we have represented more than 1,000 homeowners against the major public utilities and have recovered more than $2.5 billion dollars because of our efforts. We were made famous by the hit movie Erin Brockovich involving cases we prosecuted against PG&E. ELL is in the position of having extensive professional experience in all areas of lawinvolved in this litigation – mass torts, wildfire litigation, and litigation against utility companies – including extensive litigation against Pacific Gas & Electric (“PG&E”). The following are just a few representative cases.
Litigation Against Utility Companies (Non-Wildfire Mass Tort and Class Action) Anderson v. PG&E, No. BC 123749 (LASC): ELL represented, as co-lead counsel, 650 plaintiffs in personal injury case against Pacific Gas & Electric (“PG&E”) for toxic pollution from hexavalent chromium, which contaminated the groundwater of the small town of Hinkley, California. This case was the subject of the hit movie “Erin Brockovich”, starring Julia Roberts. The case was ultimately resolved for $333,000,000.00 after ten months of combined trials.
For a free legal consultation 310-552-3800
Natural Gas Anti-Trust Cases I, II, III & IV (Pipeline Cases): The “Pipeline Cases” were coordinated in San Diego County. ELL was appointed co-lead counsel with Girardi & Keese. This case involved one of the largest antitrust class actions ever brought. The class action – which originated out of the California Energy Crisis of 2000-2001 – was brought as a result of restraints put on California’s electrical and gas market. A settlement was reached early with the El Paso Defendants in the amount of $1.7 billion. A second settlement was then reachedafter three months of trial with the Sempra Defendants for approximately $1.6 billion. The combined settlements have a value exceeding approximately $3.3 billion dollars.
ELL has represented wronged landowners in most of the major wildfire cases litigated in California over the last decade, including IN RE 2007 WILDFIRE LITIGATION, SDSC Lead Case Nos. CPU-PO-CTL 200800093082 (Witch Creek/Guejito) and CPU-PO-CTL 2008-00093083 (Rice); GRASS VALLEY FIRE: Carlson, et al. v. Southern California Edison Company, et al., San Bernardino County Superior Court Case No. CIVSS811370; IN RE MALIBU FIRE CASES, LASC Lead Case No. BC387697; JESUSITA FIRE Cannell v. Stihl Inc. et. al. SBSC Case No. 1380744; RE SAYRE FIRE CASES, LASC Lead Case No. BC457025; IN RE SESNON FIRE CASES, LASC Lead Case No. BC442504; IN RE BERNARDO FIRE, San Diego Superior Court, 37-2014-00042641-CU-PO-CTL; IN RE BUTTE FIRE CASES, JCCP No. 4853; ROSSYLN FIRE CASES, LASC BC 623378, and IN RE ROUND FIRE LITIGATION, LASC Lead Case No. BC5858. ELL was designated as Lead/Liaison Counsel in the Round Fire Litigation (Los Angeles Superior Court Lead Case No. BC585858) against Southern California Edison which was scheduled to go to trial on July 23, 2018 and just recently resolved. ELL also sits on the Plaintiff’s Executive Committee for the Butte Fire Cases, JCCP No. 4853.
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